The ability to apace share screenshots with others is essential to solar day to twenty-four hour period conversation / work, specially when talking to people in other offices or countries. The built in Windows Snipping Tool has good bones functionality (e.g. press Win + Shift + S to select an expanse to copy), but lacks any image uploading functionality, or advanced editing.

This tutorial will permit y'all do the following with ShareX, with 1 keypress:

  1. Select an area
  2. Perform avant-garde editing (numbering, blurring, pixelating, highlighting, circumvoluted etc)
  3. Copy the selected area to your clipboard, ready to be pasted
  4. Upload the selected surface area to a private anthology on Imgur, and provide y'all a link in a notification if you demand it

Pretty good, for a completely free setup!

First, download and install ShareX. It's also available on Steam.

It has an absolutely staggering number of features (encounter gif below), and information technology's definitely worth having a look at the included tools if y'all're e'er looking for a new utility program.

Blitheness from

Once ShareX is running, it volition announced in your toolbar. Double clicking the icon opens the settings screen. Whilst it can be a piffling confusing to navigate, the following steps will embrace all yous demand for this configuration.

Configuring clipboard copying

Clipboard copying is going to be an "After capture" task. To enable it, click "After capture tasks", then "Re-create epitome to clipboard", making sure nothing else is ticked. That's information technology!

Configuring Imgur uploading

The next stage is uploading your screenshot to imgur, so that it displays in a popup notification. Clicking this notification opens the image in your default browser, then yous can easily re-create the URL wherever you need to.

Enabling Imgur

First, nether "After capture tasks", enable "Upload image to host".

Next, set up Imgur every bit your image host under "Destinations", "Epitome Uploader", then "Imgur".


Connecting ShareX to Imgur

In the same "Destinations" menu, open "Destination settings". You'll now need to authorise ShareX to access your Imgur account. This is done by:

  1. Select "Business relationship blazon" of "User".
  2. Click "Pace 1: Open authorize folio".
  3. This volition open your browser. Log in to your Imgur account, and you will be shown a verification code.
  4. Copy this code into the "Verification code" text box in ShareX.
  5. Click "Step 2: Complete authorization".

You lot're now connected! Time to get an anthology ready.

Uploading ShareX images to an Imgur anthology

Make sure "Use direct link" is ticked, then make ShareX upload your images into an album:

  1. Make a new album on imgur with the privacy "Secret", so that only you can view information technology.
  2. Click "Refresh anthology list" on the Imgur destination settings in ShareX.
  3. Select your newly created binder.
  4. Make sure "Upload images to selected album" is ticked.

Adding hotkey

Almost in that location! The final necessary step is setting up a hotkey for your task. Prepare this under "Hotkey settings", I find F11 to exist nigh convenient merely information technology can be almost anything.

Your ShareX is now fully setup! Press F11 (or your hotkey), and enjoy your clipboard copying and automatic uploading!

When your hotkey is pressed, the ShareX screenshot tool will popup. Whilst just selecting an area will perform the normal actions, there's a lot of functionality included which can be very useful. Below is a screenshot of the editor, besides every bit an explanation of every option, since it tin be a piffling overwhelming.

Chief bar (left to right)

  1. The three dot icon lets you movement the main bar around the screen.
  2. The rectangular icon lets you lot select a rectangular area to capture (default).
  3. The circular icon lets you select a circular / oval area to capture.
  4. The odd shaped icon lets you select a custom shape to capture. This tin can take many points, even overlapping!
  5. This rectangular icon lets you select a rectangle to overlay on the screen. Selecting this (or the round overlay) will display options for outline / fill up colour.
  6. This circular icon lets yous select a round / oval shape to overlay on the screen.
  7. The pen icon lets you lot depict / write on the captured surface area.
  8. The connected dot icon lets you draw lines between areas in the captured expanse.
  9. The pointer icon lets you lot depict arrows.
  10. The letter of the alphabet "A" lets you add together text to the captured area.
  11. The letter "A" with a background lets you add text, but with a background.
  12. The spoken language bubble lets you lot add a speech bubble to the screenshot.
  13. The "001" icon lets you start counting. Once enabled, each time yous click a new number volition appear, one higher than the 1 earlier. This is useful for listing steps in a procedure.
  14. The folder icon lets y'all overlay an existing image into your screenshot.
  15. The monitor icon lets you overlay a office of the screen on your screenshot. Yes, really!
  16. The emoji icon lets you add a sticker. Google's hulk emojis and a few custom ones are included. The full listing is in the source lawmaking.
  17. The arrow icon lets you display a cursor on your screenshot.
  18. The striped area icon lets you blur a selected area.
  19. The grid icon lets yous pixelate a selected area.
  20. The "abc" icon lets yous highlight a selected area.
  21. This selection (and the next) provide options for the currently selected tool, so vary depending on tool.
  22. Meet above.
  23. The photographic camera icon lets y'all change the capture area (screen, area, window).
  24. The settings icon lets you customise the editor with options for crosshair, icons to display, etc.
  25. Same as #1.

Additional UI

  1. The "crosshair" icon determines where your cursor currently is. Clicking and belongings volition let you lot select an area, whilst a single click volition upload the whole screen.
  2. The "magnifier" lets you zoom in on where your cursor is, to make sure you are getting the perfect pixel.
  3. The X and Y coordinates below your magnifier shown help orientate your cursor in the overall window.
  4. Additionally, selecting an area shows the below UI, with your cursor'due south original X + Y coord, and the selected areas width and height.


Hopefully you've now got your ShareX setup with some basic but useful functionality. There's a lot more customisation available, this is barely scratching the surface, and so experiment by yourself! There is some community support bachelor on the Steam forums and on /r/ShareX.

There'due south likewise lots of included tools, many with further customisation, such as those screenshotted below. Gifs can also exist recorded, images saved locally, and all kinds of convoluted workflows setup! I use ShareX for all screenshots on this blog, and find it extremely useful, usually capturing x-30 images per day.